Monday, December 18, 2017

"They go from strength to strength...." Ps. 84:7

Naturally, as one walks a marathon,
 while maybe another enjoys mountain climbing,
 maybe another cross-training or running,
we tend to start off strong and then we become weak, 
we in our own flesh, go from strength to weakness, naturally.


 But isn't it interesting, on this journey we call, "life", spiritually speaking,
we see David talking about God's people go from "strength to strength"
not strength to weakness! 
That, my friend, is not normal, that's super-natural. 
Imagine, climbing these snowy mountain peaks, and spiritually and mentally being challenged,
ledge by ledge, foot by foot, but you only grow stronger and stronger! It's awesome! but it's a powerful God we serve!


Nearing the close of the year, its good to look back 
and see how far Gad has brought you!! 
You might have climbed so high, you're above the clouds! 
Through the up's and down's, the summer's and winter's of life,
 if you really think about it, looking back over the year 2017,
 you're not weaker if you waited on the Lord's strength to get you through, 
you're stronger now !!


We not only "go from strength to strength", we GROW from strength to strength!!

I cannot begin to tell you how exhausted and worn out 
this Momma of four has felt at times
and yet, inwardly, He renews my strength to go another mile!!!
So day by day,  may we all go, "strength to strength", victoriously! 

Side note-
It has been expressed to me that
it is not an easy job for the young man in our house, 
with no brother and outnumbered by the ladies, 4 to 1 while 
Dad's at work, especially.
Now, personally, I cant understand why he wouldn't 
LOVE this more than he does, what's the big deal?!? (wink, wink)
But he's surely having to go from strength to strength he says, 
so remember him in your prayers!! 
hee- hee 
Little John and Momma

                                              "Big John"  and Wifey ( a.k.a better halfey......wink ;)

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Nature's Holiday Candle for your holiday host or hostess :)

(Recipe inside)

                               I like to bring something for each hostess during the holidays
                        and give our neighbors a special something during the holidays as well.
                                                   I can't tell you how many times I get
                                                  asked why and how this aroma can be so,
                                       apple pie-ish yet mulled cider-ish and just so good?
                                               While I still love some candles (don't get me wrong),
                                               I do feel real ingredients is better than fake synthetic smells any day! Anyway, I tell them that
                            it's simply God's natural herbs and spices at work, simmering on the back burner.
                                                    And might I add, it smells up the WHOLE house!

                                         So here's the recipe for those who have asked
                                      and those who would like to bring a budget-friendly, home-made
                                                gift to your neighbors, friends, family or the
                                                        hostess with the mostest this season!

                                           So how you make theses hoilday aroma boxes/ bags:
                                                        (  we will make 10 at a time )
                                           You'll need some cuties or oranges, lemons and
                               and holiday spices. For the holiday spice packet, I used 2 cinnamon sticks,
        1 star of anise, and 2 or 3 cloves each per bag or box(to clairfy... not garlic cloves, hee hee, unless an Italian Christmas aroma is your thing,I mean the whole brown cloves used for holiday cider and such) and then I sprinkle nutmeg and allspice in each season packet (a.k.a.small ziploc)and voila! You're ready to assemble.Oh, and you might print off directions and then sign it
                        from your home to theirs or whatever suits your fancy :)
  ( From your circus to theirs, from your chaos to theirs, you know just whatever comes to you :)


Now to actually make it,  you do this.......
peel the cutie and lemon peel and add just the peel to 3 cups of boiling water.
Next, add the seasoning packet and once it has been boiling for 5 minutes, 
turn down and let simmer. Add water as needed, it will evaporate.

                               Next, we get started assembling the others boxes with festive filler,                                                       adding the cutie, the lemon and the seasoning packet and then we lay
                                                             the directions on top.



Sara decorated them so cutsie!

                                             And there you have it, nature's candle in a box!
                                            We have gifts for each "hostess with mostest",
                                            but also neighbors, our friends and family have loved them too!!


                                               I wish their was a smell-a-vision for yall!
                                        Because cinnamon, spice and everything nice
                                                is happening right now! Enjoy!

from our kitchen to yours:)

Just some of the "hostess with the mostest" we gave them too already this year!

(we headed over to family later)
here's Gradmas cat, meet "Miss Kitty"

Wishing you all a safe and Happy Thanksgiving weekend around those who love you!

                                          P.S. speaking of aroma

Food for thought:
your attitude is like the aroma of your heart,
 if it stinks, your attitude most definetely will.
                                                    A thankful people is a happy people and they
                                      give off a sweet aroma to those who come around them :).

                                            I'm learning more and more not to be too busy to be
                                                        thankful for the little things now,
 the funny moments now, the little hugs, the walks in the changing leaves,
the little misspelled notes just to remind me I'm loved,  
because at the end of the day,
 I'm pretty sure I'll realize even more so, 
those weren't the little things at all.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Learning to Lean on the Everlasting Arms!!


I shared this verse with a friend of mine yesterday 
and had to blog about it too :)  Because, here's why.....
in a world where people change, things change, weather changes, leaves change, 
God does not, He is there, with His everlasting arms, the same yesterday, today and forever!!

And I don't know about you 
but I like the fact that the One I'm to lean on, calls His arms, everlasting arms!!

And, like the song writer said, 
I too am "finding more power than I've ever dreamed" by learning to 
lean on those lovely, everlasting arms, 
not by leaning on my own strength, that's for sure but on Christ's alone!!
( I'm still learning to lean daily by the way, it's WAY easier said than done).

But isn't it so good to know, underneath it all, are THE everlasting arms!!! 
He's there holding you up and holding me up. 
And honestly, the calm in my spirit and the joy
that comes with leaning is beyond my understanding. 

"What have I to dread? What have I to fear? 
Leaning on the everlasting arms, I have blessed peace with 
my Lord so near, leaning on the everlasting arms!" Love this old hymn.

"Earth has no words that can convey
the holy calm of a soul leaning on Jesus"

I wish you all happy leaning friends!!


Back to that time when.........

Friday, October 13, 2017

So this happened.......

We need more encouraging and less discouraging.
It was a blessing to have a clean, encouraging, edifying 
night with these sweet ladies :)

It's like one night at camp but less bugs and more pampering, hee hee!!

Pampering the skin........

                                                                    Pillows a flyin'

                                                                     Playin' Charades

                                            Partners in cri......uh hum, I mean couponing
                                                                    (wink, wink).

oh and another well spent weekend........ :)

Some "bunny" loves these girls :)