Saturday, July 9, 2016

Psalms 103:2 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:

The same God who parted the waters for Moses, has parted my waters and made a way for our family many a time!!

The same God who heard Hannah's cry, has blessed our family in front of the adversary and in the end we were singing  a whole chapter too!

The same Lord who protected Daniel in the lions den, has shut the mouths of lions for our family too! 

The same God who provided Elijah with food from a raven has brought us bags and bags of groceries on our doorstep from an unknown source when John was unemployed! 

The same God who calmed the storm on the sea that day has spoke "peace be still" to the storm that was raging inside of our hearts! 
He's not just a God of yester year, He's a very present Help in times of trouble. I too pray, let our family never forget all His benefits and let us bless the Lord!

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