Thursday, October 27, 2016

Luke24:32 And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?

Great Meeting!!
A "for such a time as this" meeting !

Full hands....full heart :)

Girls home singing about how..." they're not what they used to be,our lives have been changed."

Cutest little singer below and that boy sings from his heart! ( I know maybe I'm just biased because he used to be my piano student) but no really, he's also got an ear for harmony.

And the Pastor, appreciate his heart for people, love his whole family :)

So encouraged by the young people.

And its not all about the meetin' and the greetin', the main focus is God and
what He has for all us, the fruit that came forth during the meeting was beautiful.
The help John and I received was priceless and the children too!! I think its amazing how can you go to another state
and God has a message with clear direction for you specifically
as soon as you walk in the door!! It's beyond me!! :) He sure is the good Shepherd and He's everywhere!

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