Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Today's the day!

First time for the grandkids to go on a "real" train ride!!! Pop took us all on a round trip from Rocky Mount, N.C. to Richmond, V.A. 

Where's the train?????
It was late, 30 minutes late. But they quickly forgot that :)

Of course, Jazzy finds a friend :)

After Sara finished journaling, her and Mom chat over a cup of coffee and talk about life in the eating cabin.

It's amazing the things you see on a train trip, tracks go where roads aren't sometimes and this was on the back side of some kind of military unit. 

We got off here at the Richmond depot, walked, ate and explored a little bit. All the while, the children were just itching to get back on that train;)

Heading back....

It got really dark, I mean you couldn't see a single thing and one of my girls was a little nervous and was saying," Mom! we can't see the tracks or anything?!" I was able to calm her by telling her this, "Honey, we can trust the conductor!"  After that, she was ok!
Then I hopped on this "train of thought", I too can trust the(capital E) "Engineer" of my own life! When the journey gets dark, and I can't see the way, it's not time to fret, it's time to trust. And you know what else, our train was late coming and going today, but my (capital C) Conductor! He's always right on time !!!!! Never too late, never too early! He has a perfect track record of being right on time, but only by His timeline not ours !!!!  

(Jasmine took this to send to her daddy)

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