Thursday, July 13, 2017

Happy Birthday Sara Bell !

 A moment of silence :(
Feeling mixed emotions :). :( 
I have a freshman in high school!

Anyway, moving on, it is Sara's day !!!!

" Gotta have my Pops"  
(for us 90's kids -remember that corny cereal commercial?) 
ok sorry... I digress.
But that is Sara with her Pops actually!
(John's Dad)   

This is Sara's favorite picture of us together taken a few months ago :)
Love you girlie!

Birthday money!! woot !woot! 
From the Colorado Rockies ;)

Girls day out!

We love you Sara. You're the most caring teenager this Mom and Dad could ask for. Thank you for teaching us too!!! First born isn't an easy position. 
Believe it or not, when you came along we were new to this whole parenting thing (hee hee) but thanks for being gracious and understanding as we try to do our best to help you reach your potential for God! 
I do hope one day you're blessed with a dependable daughter as yourself. Love ya ....always. 

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