Saturday, August 5, 2017

"My times are in thy hand." Ps 31:15

The Lord Jesus loved me, and gave himself for me, and my times are in those hands which were nailed to the cross for my redemption. -C.H.Spurgeon

It is true, when we worry, it's like we believe more in our problems than in Gods promises! Letting go and letting God takes practice and time sometimes but there is so much peace to be found, when we.....

"Not only are we ourselves in the hand of the Lord, but all that surrounds us. Our times make up a kind of atmosphere of existence; and all this is under divine arrangement. We dwell within the palm of God's hand. We are absolutely at his disposal, and all our circumstances are arranged by him in all their details. We are comforted to have it so."
-Sermon by Spurgeon

 And reading this reminded me of a verse .......Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
Matthew 6:34

Like the song says, we are
"Safe Within the Arms of God".
I find comfort in knowing, not just me but those around me, their times are in Gods hands tonight and come what may, we will still be safe within the arms of a VERY BIG GOD !! God bless!


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